We provide professional services in the specific areas of wetland and water quality permitting, and riparian buffer requirements on a wide range of projects including municipal projects, state projects, and private residential and commercial developments.

Our professionals are experts in the preparation of environmental permit applications, and the necessary regulatory agency coordination and documentation. We routinely prepare:
- Section 404 Clean Water Act Permits (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
- Section 401 Clean Water Act Permits (N.C. Division of Water Quality)
- Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Permits
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Documentation
- N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) Documentation
- National Heritage Program (NHP) Documentation
- State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Documentation
- Phase I Environmental Assessments, Phase II Sampling & Analysis, and Phase III Clean-up & Remediations
- Regulatory Violation Resolutions

- On a daily basis we coordinate and meet with regulatory agency representatives from various offices and locales across the State of North Carolina and elsewhere.
Since 2001 S&EC has performed Environmental Site Assessments on and provided consultation on well over 400 sites across North Carolina. Our professionals have performed Phase I Environmental Assessments, Phase II Sampling & Analysis, and Phase III Clean-up & Remediation work for both private and public entities.