S&EC has been performing resource indentification services since the company’s founding in 1989. These services include wetland delineation, stream and buffer determinations, Threatened & Endangered (T&E) species surveys, historical resources file reviews, environmental assessments, and inadvertant/unpermitted resource impact determinations for the purpose of violation resolutions.
Our technical staff includes expertise in the areas of:
- Natural Resource Identification
- Wetland Delineations
- Stream/Buffer Determinations
- Biology (T&E studies & NHP evaluations)
- Forestry (evaluation & planning)
- Environmental Assessments (NEPA & SEPA)
- Restoration & Mitigation Site Assessment
- Sedimentation Delineation & Mapping
We routinely provide professional services in the fields of biology, ecology, forestry andwetland science. Our staff readily can determine the extent of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional wetlands using the three parameter approach (soils, vegetation and hydrology). We can also determine the location and extent of jurisdictional stream channels and any channel subject to riparian buffer requirements.

Unmatched expertise in soil science, geological processes and landscape morphology makes our professionals the leaders in the evaluation of historically modified sites to determine stream and wetland restoration and mitigation potential.
Our team of professionals readily provide expertise in the specific areas of environmental assessments, SEPA/NEPA, FONSI/EIS, threatened and endangered species studies, Phase I Environmental Assessments, Phase II Sampling & Analysis, and Phase III Clean-up & Remediation work on a wide range of sites including municipal projects, state projects, and private residential and commercial developments.