
Using a multi-disciplinary approach and drawing from a diverse group of experts, S&EC provides accurate and effective services designed specifically to meet each client’s needs.

We routinely provide professional services in the fields of stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, wetland, stream and buffer restoration, hydrology and hydraulics, dam evaluations, flood studies, soil science, biology, ecology, wetland delineation and permitting, water quality planning and design, site and watershed assessment, wastewater management and system design, and land planning and site design support.

Our team of professionals provide expertise on a wide range of projects including private residential, commercial and industrial developments, municipal, county and state and projects, stream and wetland restoration sites, dams, mine sites, landfills, among others across the State of North Carolina and beyond.  We work for a wide variety of clients including private individuals, large and small developers, private corporations, and state and local governments.