S&EC prepared design plans for the restoration of approximately 650 linear feet of piedmont stream and its associated riparian buffer along an unnamed tributary to Wildcat Branch in south Raleigh, NC. The project also included the restoration of approximately 0.30 acres of riverine wetlands. Project services included evaluation of existing impaired/impacted site conditions, the development of a conceptual …
Environmental Compliance
Environmental Compliance projects across the state of North Carolina include the preparation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 Permitting, North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certifications, NCDENR Land Quality Erosion & Sediment Control Permitting, and various other State, County and Local permit applications and the necessary coordination with regulatory agencies.
Newell Farm Stream & Wetland Restoration
S&EC prepared the restoration design plans for restoration of approximately 2,550 linear feet of piedmont stream and its associated riparian buffer in Warren County, NC. The project also included the enhancement of approximately 750 linear feet of stream as well as the restoration, enhancement and creation of a combined total of approximately 18.5 acres of riverine …
Bolin Creek Greenway
S&EC performed hydraulic analysis for the proposed Phase III Bolin Creek Greenway project to determine water surface profiles for design storms for a planned community greenway project within the Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Our analyses utilized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) to simulate existing and future developed …
Proximity Hotel Stream Restoration

Close coordination with the property owner and designer allowed stream restoration efforts to support the Proximity Hotel’s LEED Platinum Certification. S&EC was responsible for the restoration design of approximately 650 linear feet of piedmont stream and its associated riparian buffer on the LEED Platinum Certified Proximity Hotel property in Greensboro, NC. Project tasks included the evaluation …